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BrainHearing™ – the new big thing


BrainHearing™ – the new big thing

It’s your brain that hears, not your ears. The sounds your ears receive are sent to your brain where they are translated into meaning. If you suffer from hearing loss, your brain tries to fill in the gaps of sounds you don’t hear. This can be difficult and exhausting, and it makes it harder for you to participate in what is going on around you.

Oticon hearing aids feature BrainHearing™ technology, designed to support your brain and help it make sense of sound, with less effort.

This powerful approach enables you to:

Organise sounds and orient yourself with your surroundings

Hear better in challenging environments

Understand speech, engage in conversations and switch your focus

Listen according to your personal preferences

BrainHearing technology is based on four key features:

Speech Guard E– superb speech recognition

Speech Guard E protects speech clarity and details for you to easily understand what is being said – even in noisy surroundings.

Spatial Sound – locate the sources of sound

Spatial Sound supports your brain’s natural ability to sense where sounds are coming from – even in noisy situations. This helps you know where to focus your attention.

Free Focus – zoom in on what’s most important

Free Focus consists of automatic zoom functions to help you easily focus on the most important sounds. It helps you shift your focus from one conversation to another.

YouMatic – shape the sound to suit you

The way you hear is as unique to you as your DNA. YouMatic is a tool to personalise your hearing instruments to your unique and personal hearing preferences and needs

Contact us today to speak to one of our fully qualified audiologists or to organise an appointment.