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Buzzzzzzzzzing in your ears driving you CRAZY?

Buzzing In Your Ears Driving You Crazy

Tinnitus — that ringing and buzzing in your ears that won’t stop — is a common condition among millions of Americans. Its impact on your life can be serious. Anxiety, depression and loss of sleep are common side effects. This may be especially true if tinnitus is accompanied by unknown hearing loss, as is the case in 90% of tinnitus sufferers.

Tinnitus has a variety of causes. Experts suspect that the ringing sound is the brain trying to adapt to a loss of hair cells, the nerve cells inside your ear that translate sound into electrical signals for the brain to interpret. This nerve loss can be caused by long noise exposure, aging, inner ear infection, or a condition called Meniere’s disease.

Every case is unique. But you can take charge.

There are, however, professionally monitored treatment plans and technologies for managing tinnitus and relieving the stress and anxiety it causes in your life. Oticon hearing devices with Tinnitus Sound Support™ can help because they provide amplification and a special sounds program for tinnitus relief. Tinnitus Sound Support™ is a feature that works with BrainHearing™ technology to address your unique condition, your likely hearing challenges, and your personal sound preferences. This individualized, flexible approach gives tinnitus sufferers an option for relief.

Get relief today.

The first step in getting effective relief from tinnitus is to have your hearing evaluated by Hearing & Audiology. There is hope — with an understanding of your tinnitus and any related hearing challenges, you can discuss your goals with your hearing care professional and plan a course of treatment.

It’s important to know that you don’t have to live with untreated tinnitus. Learning to manage your tinnitus is the first step to regaining hope and maintaining your health.