Hot Weather Tips for Hearing Aid Users

Hot Weather Tips for Hearing Aid Users

Hot Weather Tips for Hearing Aid Users HOT weather is coming. HOT weather also brings heat, humidity and air conditioning all of which can wreak havoc on hearing aids. Moisture collects in tubing, corrosion forms on contact points, and ears may produce more wax….

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Best Christmas Pressie Ever!!

Best Christmas Pressie Ever

FREE 4 Week hearing aid trial – Your Invited! Unitron- New Moxi Fit. It’s new inside and out. Enjoy style and functionality in perfect harmony, with a 312 battery, push button and telecoil. reddot-award-2015. It’s so discreet…

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A Little Bit of Hearing Humor

A Little Bit of Hearing Humor

Humor can sometimes make lite of a serious situation – but it’s a great way to break the ice and start a conversation. Hearing and quality of life are closely linked. Poor hearing affects both the person with the loss and those with whom they communicate. A…

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Buzzzzzzzzzing in your ears driving you CRAZY?

Buzzing In Your Ears Driving You Crazy

Tinnitus — that ringing and buzzing in your ears that won’t stop — is a common condition among millions of Americans. Its impact on your life can be serious. Anxiety, depression and loss of sleep are common side effects. This may be especially true if tinnitus…

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BrainHearing™ – the new big thing


BrainHearing™ – the new big thing It’s your brain that hears, not your ears. The sounds your ears receive are sent to your brain where they are translated into meaning. If you suffer from hearing loss, your brain tries to fill in the gaps of sounds you…

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Keeping your pet safe from hearing aid hazards

Keeping your pet safe from hearing aid hazards

Keeping your pet safe from hearing aid hazards Contributed by Lauren Clason, staff writer for Healthy Hearing | Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 Some dogs will eat anything they can get their paws on: your child’s box of crayons, a forgotten Pop-Tart, the baseboards, or…

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Top five ways hearing aids make you look good

Top five ways hearing aids make you look good

Hearing And Audiology via Oticon People First Top five ways hearing aids make you look good Contributed by Debbie Clarkson, staff writer for Healthy Hearing | Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 According to the Hearing Health Foundation, nearly 50 million Americans…

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Exercise and Better Hearing

Exercise and Better Hearing

Hearing And Audiology is delighted to announce its Sponsorship of the Cambridge Bowling Club. We are proud to support our Local Community and look forward to our association with the Cambridge Bowling Club and all its members in the future. Lawn Bowls is a…

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Hearing Awareness Week

Hearing Awareness Week

One in six Australians is affected by hearing loss – that’s an estimated 3.5 million people. Hearing loss in Australia is mainly mild in nature, but one third of people experience a loss that is moderate or severe to…

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Hearing Loss and Dementia Linked in Study

Hearing Loss and Dementia Linked in Study

Hearing Loss and Dementia Linked in Study John Hopkins Medicine Release Date: February 14, 2011 Seniors with hearing loss are significantly more likely to develop dementia over time than those who retain their hearing, a study by Johns Hopkins and National Institute…

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What is a Hearing Test?

Hearing booth

What is a hearing test? A hearing test takes place in a sound-proofed room or cubicle. You will take a seat, put on some headphones and listen. We will start playing sounds that start at a bass tone…

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STRESS and Tinnitus

stress and acid reflux1

What is the link between STRESS and Tinnitus? It’s unlikely that stress can actually cause t…innitus, but research has shown that there is a strong link between them. All sources of stress can sometimes be a trigger for tinnitus, or make it worse. Meanwhile, some people – though not all…

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App that measures noise

App that measures noise.

Sounds are measured using the decibel scale. An increase of 10 sounds twice as loud but has ten times more power or energy to cause damage. The larger the number, the shorter the period of time for exposure before damage occurs…

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Custom Earplugs

Custom Ear Plugs

Long-term exposure to loud noises can lead to a permanent loss of hearing, no matter your age. If you have to raise your voice or shout in order to be heard at your workplace, then you’re definitely working in a noisy environment.Fortunately, Hearing & Audiology…

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Link Between Stress and Tinnitus

Link between stress and tinnitus

What is the link between stress and tinnitus? It’s unlikely that stress can actually cause tinnitus, but research has shown that there is a strong link between them. All sources of stress can sometimes be a trigger for tinnitus or make it worse…

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