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Hearing Awareness Week

Hearing Awareness Week


One in six Australians is affected by hearing loss – that’s an estimated 3.5 million people.

Hearing loss in Australia is mainly mild in nature, but one third of people experience a loss that is moderate or severe to profound.

The prevalence of hearing loss rises from 1% for people aged younger than 15 years to three in every four people aged over 70 years.

The number of Australians who are hearing impaired or deaf is increasing because of long-term exposure to excessive noise in the workplace, the environment and a result of an ageing population. Hearing loss is projected to increase to 1 in every 4 Australians by 2050..

For HEARING AWARENESS WEEK – Sunday 23rd to Saturday 29th August 2015 Hearing And Audiology will be conducting FREE community screenings:

Wednesday 26th August – DUNCRAIG SENIOR CITIZENS CENTRE – 10.00 AM TO 1.00 PM

Thursday 27th August – WEMBLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE – 1.00 PM to 3.30 PM

During Hearing Awareness Week we are offering FREE screening at our Duncraig and Subiaco Clinics …

For more information:

Book an Appointment

P: (08) 9388 8003

E: [email protected]