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How Much Does Tinnitus Treatment Cost In Perth?

How Much Does Tinnitus Treatment Cost In Perth
Are you suffering from tinnitus or some other form of hearing-related difficulty? If so, you’re not alone. Over 70% of Australians have reported experiencing tinnitus at some stage or another.
While there are a number of options, the most common tinnitus treatment (and largely the most effective) would be hearing aids. If you’re worried about the cost, there are hearing service programs available for eligible candidates. This can actually reduce the cost all the way down to $0, provided that you’re eligible.

We’re going to take a look at the cost of tinnitus treatment in Perth and what factors influence this cost. If hearing aids are required as part of your tinnitus treatment, you are likely to pay between $1500-$4000. However, hearing aids are not the only type of tinnitus treatment. Sound generators are another effective treatment option which start at $100. As you can see, there is a large range in pricing here, but this reflects the large range of treatment options available which is dependent on your individual needs.

If you want to learn more about tinnitus, check out our resources: 

How do I know which kind of tinnitus treatment I need?

The only real way to figure this out is to work with a specialist. They will perform various tests and give you individualised advice. This is not something you can diagnose on your own!

What is included in a tinnitus treatment program?

Hearing aids are essential in terms of managing tinnitus. They are needed to offset the sound that you keep hearing in your head. This is the basis of the treatment, but there are quite a lot of elements in a tinnitus treatment.
You will be learning coping mechanisms with regard to dealing with the problem. There is a huge psychological element to managing tinnitus-related stress especially if it’s causing insomnia. For this, you will probably speak to a counsellor or audiologist. It’s easy to get angry, upset, or depressed, and a positive mindset is key. Tinnitus is a common problem that is well-documented and researched. And it can be beaten, provided you take the right approach.
A tinnitus treatment program will often feature a hearing device as well as sessions with a specialist. Just be sure to get clear on what a given quote includes. You can bundle services for a discount, and this can make the cost of a tinnitus treatment in Perth far more affordable.

What is included in a tinnitus treatment program?

With most services, there are many factors that can affect the cost. But for tinnitus, the main one is really the sophistication of the technology. The more advanced the technology, the more you’ll pay, as outlined in the table further down in this guide.
The four technology levels are Basic, Standard, Advanced, and Premium. The cost of this technology remains relatively static, and these four tiers are pretty much industry standard.
Closely related to the technology is the hearing aid style. The style will affect the cost but not so much as the technology tier. The different styles of hearing aid include:
Another big factor in the price of tinnitus treatment are the programs and subsidies. If you qualify under a program, then you can drastically reduce the price.
The bottom line is that the major factor affecting the cost of tinnitus treatment in Perth is the level of technology, though this price can be discounted with programs.

Cost of tinnitus treatment in Perth

The table below will give you an indication regarding the cost of tinnitus treatment in Perth. To get a more precise estimate or quote, you’ll need to talk with your service provider. Depending on your condition and preferences, you may need to get more or less expensive equipment.
If you’re buying a hearing aid, remember to take a look at how long the warranty is. Typically, better quality hearing aids will come with 3-5 year warranties.
Also, bundled and unbundled services are available. A bundled service is where appointments and maintenance for the hearing aid are included for a particular time period. If it’s unbundled, it means you’re on your own in terms of getting it to work. Keep in mind that it takes a while to get acclimated to hearing aids.
Low End
High End
Basic Hearing Aid Technology
$0 (through a subsidy program)
Standard Hearing Aid Technology
Advanced Hearing Aid Technology
Premium Hearing Aid Technology

Why are advanced hearing aids so much more expensive than basic models?

This expense is proportional to all of the extra features they have. The advanced hearing aids allow effortless automation of technology and adapt extremely well. So no matter where you go, the noise will be modulated so you can hear more clearly.
Background noise will be kept in the background. You can also benefit from smartphone integration and increased sensitivity in general.
Invisible in the ear (IIC) hearing aids will cost a little more than other styles of hearing aid. This is mainly because you will need a custom impression done so they fit properly.

Are there more affordable alternatives to hearing aids for tinnitus?

There are some other modalities aside from hearing aids that can serve to treat tinnitus. They are well researched and effective, but they’re not really all that much cheaper.
Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment (NTT) is a patented and tested technology that uses audio technology to reduce severe neurological tinnitus. However, it retails at around $2,500 and requires monthly consultations, meaning it is about the same price as a premium hearing aid. The monthly consultations will be in the region of $75-150 per session.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) also has a lot of clinical effectiveness. It definitely works and takes an individual approach. But it’s a long term therapy (12-24 months) and will cost in the region of $3,000-5,000.
The bottom line is that there are many tinnitus treatments. But the more advanced versions will always run you in the region of $4,000 and above. All of them work, but the treatment needs to be tailored to your precise circumstances and your financial preferences for optimal results.

Are expensive hearing aids always better?

More often than not, expensive hearing aids are more advanced and are, in fact, better. But this is the wrong approach to take as they may not be necessary for your condition. Ask yourself:
The bottom line is that you might not actually need all of the features, frequencies, and channels offered by a more expensive hearing aid. A simple one can do just as well. Talk to your specialist to see if it’s appropriate for your situation.
You can always request a trial. These are offered by many providers. You can even get a 30-day free trial of the Lyric invisible hearing aid to see how it works for you. These are among the highest quality hearing aids on the market. This is a great way to see if it’s worth the money.

How do I prevent tinnitus?

It’s commonly said that treatment is the best cure. It’s also the best way to save quite a lot of money for expensive treatment. If you’re already suffering from tinnitus, then you’ll have to get treatment. You simply can’t afford to live with a permanent ringing in your ears that takes away from your quality of life.
Otherwise, there are many common sense techniques that you can adopt. Tinnitus may be caused by repeated exposure to loud noises (above 85 DB or so) or a single exposure to an extremely loud noise. So remember to:

Who is eligible for subsidies for tinnitus treatment in Perth?

The following classes of people are eligible for partially subsidised tinnitus treatment in Perth. When you are looking into the cost of tinnitus treatment in Perth, this can be a game changer. This means that you will get the service for nothing, though you may not get the premium technology treatment. Eligible persons include people who:
These subsidies are outlined under the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997. You can claim under the scheme via two ways: through the voucher program or the community service obligation (CSO) program. Obviously, you will need to contact a service provider first to confirm eligibility before booking an appointment.
Note that a seniors health card does not permit you to avail of subsidised services for tinnitus treatment.

Where can I go for high-quality tinnitus treatment?

If you’re looking for affordable and professional treatment, then you need to contact expert audiologists that specialise in tinnitus. They will be able to guide you in the right direction without delay so you don’t make any costly mistakes.
Consider using Hearing and Audiology. We have one internationally recognised tinnitus experts, Zoe Sampson. She has deep expertise in all forms of tinnitus treatment including hearing aids, NTT, and TRT. You’ll be led in the right direction regarding all aspects of auditory health including resources, subsidies, testing, and correct treatment.
Better treatment will save you money and improve your quality of life, all from local experts in Perth.
Call now for an expert consultation – (08) 9388 8003